For the Classroom Archive
Intermediate Mechanics Tutorials ` - Feb 20, 2013
This web site provides small-group learning materials for teaching intermediate mechanics. The physics is Newtonian with very little Lagrangian formalism. Materials are a mix of conceptual, mathematical, and problem solving University of Washington-style tutorials, as well as related research results, examination questions, and suggested course outlines.
SEI: Upper-Division Electrodynamics (E&M 2) Course Materials ` - Feb 20, 2013
This web site contains a complete suite of resources suitable for the second semester of an upper-division undergraduate electricity and magnetism class. The materials include clicker questions, in-class activities, homework problems, and assessments.
Intuitive Quantum Physics ` - Feb 20, 2013
This web site provides small-group learning materials for teaching wave physics and modern physics to non-science-majors. Observation, qualitative analysis, and graphical representations are used to introduce interference, discuss energy and probability, and explain bound states, spectroscopy, modeling of molecules, and tunneling.
Open Source Tutorials in Physics with Teaching Assistant Development ` - Feb 20, 2013
This set of guided inquiry tutorials covers 13 topics regularly covered in introductory physics. The authors also provide supporting materials to help teachers make modifications and train TAs in their use.
University of Pittsburg E&M Tutorial Series ` - Feb 20, 2013
This set of research-based student tutorials cover the topics of Coulomb's Law, the superposition principle, and symmetry in electrostatics. The materials are appropriate for a calculus-based introductory physics course. Optional pre- and post-tests are available.
Connecting Meaning and Mathematics ` - Feb 20, 2013
This page contains step-by-step tutorials and guided inquiry activities designed to help students discover physical properties and concepts by developing understanding from mathematics. Most of this material is written for upper level classical mechanics courses. Connections are made with the Intermediate Mechanics Tutorials by Ambrose and Wittmann.
Paradigms in Physics: Quantum Activities ` - Feb 20, 2013
This web page provides activities for Quantum Mechanics classes. Each activity includes learning goals and a guide for instructors. Activities for Operators, Eigenstates, Probability Densities, Stern-Gerlach Simulations, Schrödinger's Equation, and Time Evolution are included.
SEI Upper-Division Quantum Mechanics I Transformed Course Materials ` - Feb 20, 2013
This web site provides research-based materials for junior-level quantum mechanics 1 courses. Topics covered include the Schrödinger equation, bound state problems, Hilbert space and operators, the hydrogen atom, and spin. The course archives include documented student difficulties, learning goals, ConcepTests (clicker questions), class activities, homework, tutorials, and a conceptual assessment tool.
SEI: Classical Mechanics/Math Methods I Course Materials ` - Feb 20, 2013
This website provides the materials to teach a transformed sophomore-level classical mechanics/math methods course. The provided course is the first semester of a two-semester sequence at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
An Inquiry- and Laboratory-based Curriculum for the Introductory Algebra-based Physics Course ` - Feb 20, 2013
These inquiry- and laboratory-based modules by Beth Thacker are designed for an algebra-based introductory physics course. The modules are largely based on Workshop Physics techniques and include health science applications when appropriate.
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