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Physics Education Research Conference 2009 Schedule

Physics Education Research across Paradigms

The uniqueness of Physics Education Research (PER) partly resides in the diverse traditions and frameworks adopted to study learning: cognitive constructs, social and cultural dynamics and increasingly neural processes. The conference will feature the leading researchers in cognitive psychology, in social and cultural studies and in neuroscience: Kevin Dunbar, Andrea diSessa, Michael Posner and Anna Sfard. These researchers will shed light on how cutting-edge research on learning is conducted within each framework and how different research methodologies apply to PER.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
3:30pm - 5:30pm
PER Bridging Session, Dennison 170

Three presentations by invited speakers and a discussion
Presiding: Lasry

Bridging Cognitive and Neural Aspects of Classroom Learning
Michael Posner, Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology

Causality in Pieces: The Construction of Causal Schemes
Andrea diSessa, University of California at Berkeley

Moving between discourses: from learning-as-acquisition to learning-as-participation
Anna Sfard, Michigan State University

Questions to the invited speakers

*Contributed Posters can be set up between 5:30 PM and 8 PM

6:00pm - 10:00pm
Banquet and Contributed Poster Session Part I, Michigan League Ballroom

Presiding: Milner-Bolotin
ticket required

The biology of physics: What the brain reveals about our understanding of the physical world
Kevin Niall Dunbar, University of Toronto

Contributed Poster Session Part I
All posters are displayed.
(odd - numbered posters are discussed from 8:00pm – 9:00pm and even-numbered posters are discussed from 9:00pm – 10:00pm)

Thursday, July 30, 2009
8:30am - 9:45am
Special Session 1

Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions

Dennison 110 (W1)
Methods and Experimental Designs in Cognitive Studies
Jose P. Mestre, University of Illinois
Michael Posner, University of Oregon

Dennison 120 (TP-A)
Cognitive Issues in Developing Curriculum for Upper-Level Physics Courses
Organizer: Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh

Dennison 130 (TP-B)
Foundations of Course Reform for Introductory Physics
Organizer: David E. Pritchard, MIT

Dana 1024 (TP-C)
Negotiating Meaning: The Role of Assessment Rubrics and Diagnostic Guidelines
Organizer: Edit Yerushalmi

Dana 1028 (W-2)
Qualitative Research Methods
Valerie K. Otero, University of Colorado at Boulder

9:45am - 10:00am
Coffee Break, Michigan League Concourse
10:00am - 10:55am
Contributed Poster Session Part II, Michigan League - Hussey and Vandenbur

Contributed Poster Session Part II
All posters are displayed.
(odd - numbered posters are discussed from 10:00am – 10:25am and even-numbered posters are discussed from 10:30am – 10:55am)

11:00am - 12:15pm
Special Invited speaker panel, Dennison 170

Presiding: Antimirova, Lasry, Milner

12:15am - 1:30pm
Luncheon, Michigan League Concourse(Michigan Room)

Announcements, etc.

1:30pm - 2:30pm
Special Session 2

Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions

Dennison 130 (TP-B)
Foundations of Course Reform for Introductory Physics
Organizer: David E. Pritchard, MIT

Dana 1024 (TP-C)
Negotiating Meaning: The Role of Assessment Rubrics and Diagnostic Guidelines
Organizer: Edit Yerushalmi

Dennison 110 (TP-D)
Broadening Our Lens: Socio-Cultural Perspectives in PER (Part I: artifacts and mediation)
Organizer: Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Boulder

Dennison 120 (RTD-2)
Cognition of an Expert Tackling an Unfamiliar Conceptual Physics Problem
David Schuster, Western Michigan University
Adriana Undreiu, University of Virginia's College at Wise

2:30pm - 2:45pm
Coffee Break, Michigan League Concourse
2:45pm - 3:45pm
Special Session 3

Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions

Dennison 120 (TP-A)
Cognitive Issues in Developing Curriculum for Upper-Level Physics Courses
Organizer: Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh

Dennison 110 (TP-E)
Broadening Our Lens: Socio-Cultural Perspectives in PER (Part II: communities & social interaction)
Organizer: Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Boulder

Dennison 130 (RTD-1)
Where do the Student Conceptions Come from? Light and Optics Case
Derya Kaltakci, University of Washington
Ali Eryilmaz

4:00pm - 5:30pm
Round Table Report, Dennison 170

Presiding: Antimirova, Lasry

Discussants & plenary speakers summarize the results of the RT sessions, posters and the entire conference; audience questions are welcome.

Led by round table speakers, targeted poster session discussants, and invited speakers