Physics Education Research Conference 2009 Schedule
Conference Abstracts
Conference Papers
Invited Talks
Invited Speakers
Session Formats
Conference Schedule
Conference Program
Program Addendum
PERC Proceedings
Physics Education Research across Paradigms
The uniqueness of Physics Education Research (PER) partly resides in the diverse traditions and frameworks adopted to study learning: cognitive constructs, social and cultural dynamics and increasingly neural processes. The conference will feature the leading researchers in cognitive psychology, in social and cultural studies and in neuroscience: Kevin Dunbar, Andrea diSessa, Michael Posner and Anna Sfard. These researchers will shed light on how cutting-edge research on learning is conducted within each framework and how different research methodologies apply to PER.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | |
3:30pm - 5:30pm |
PER Bridging Session, Dennison 170
Three presentations by invited speakers and a discussion
5:00pm *Contributed Posters can be set up between 5:30 PM and 8 PM |
6:00pm - 10:00pm |
Banquet and Contributed Poster Session Part I, Michigan League Ballroom
Presiding: Milner-Bolotin
8:00pm |
Thursday, July 30, 2009 | |
8:30am - 9:45am |
Special Session 1
Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions
Dennison 110 (W1)
Dennison 120 (TP-A)
Dennison 130 (TP-B)
Dana 1024 (TP-C)
Dana 1028 (W-2) |
9:45am - 10:00am |
Coffee Break, Michigan League Concourse
10:00am - 10:55am |
Contributed Poster Session Part II, Michigan League - Hussey and Vandenbur
10:00am |
11:00am - 12:15pm |
Special Invited speaker panel, Dennison 170
Presiding: Antimirova, Lasry, Milner |
12:15am - 1:30pm |
Luncheon, Michigan League Concourse(Michigan Room)
Announcements, etc. |
1:30pm - 2:30pm |
Special Session 2
Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions
Dennison 130 (TP-B)
Dana 1024 (TP-C)
Dennison 110 (TP-D)
Dennison 120 (RTD-2) |
2:30pm - 2:45pm |
Coffee Break, Michigan League Concourse
2:45pm - 3:45pm |
Special Session 3
Targeted Poster Sessions, Roundtable Discussions
Dennison 120 (TP-A)
Dennison 110 (TP-E)
4:00pm - 5:30pm |
Round Table Report, Dennison 170
Presiding: Antimirova, Lasry Discussants & plenary speakers summarize the results of the RT sessions, posters and the entire conference; audience questions are welcome. Led by round table speakers, targeted poster session discussants, and invited speakers |