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Physics Education Research Conference 2009

PER Topical Group, AAPT Event
July 29, 2009 - July 30, 2009 in Ann Arbor, MI at the University of Michigan

PERC 2009 Theme: Physics Education Research across Paradigms

The 2009 PER Conference has concluded.

We hope you found the 2009 PER Conference valuable and that we will see you again next year.

The PERC 2009 Organizing Committee
Dr. Tetyana Antimirova, Ryerson University
Dr. Nathaniel Lasry, John Abbott College and Center for Study on Learning & Performance
Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, Ryerson University

PERC 2009 Overview

The uniqueness of Physics Education Research (PER) partly resides in the diverse traditions and frameworks adopted to study learning: cognitive constructs, social and cultural dynamics and increasingly neural processes. The theme of PERC 2009 in Ann Arbor, MI July 29-30 is "Physics Education Research across Paradigms." The conference will feature the leading researchers in cognitive psychology, in social and cultural studies and in neuroscience: Kevin Dunbar, Andrea diSessa, Michael Posner and Anna Sfard. These researchers will shed light on how cutting-edge research on learning is conducted from a variety of frameworks and how different research methodologies apply to PER. One of the objectives of PERC 2009 is to identify the characteristic properties of various research frameworks and the kinds of questions each framework can answer best. By looking at the different frameworks used to study learning and the interplay between them, a goal of PERC 2009 is to build bridges between the frameworks used in PER and bridges between our community and those making use of each of these frameworks.

PER Conference 2009 Abstracts:  HTML

PER Conference 2009 Schedule:  HTML - PDF

PER Conference 2009 Proceedings:  Purchase - Papers - Peer Review Statistics