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Physics Education Research Conference 2015 Session Formats


PERC 2015 will have 4 plenary speakers:

  • Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado
  • Natasha Holmes, Stanford University
  • David T. Brookes, Florida International University
  • Helen Quinn, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory


Contributed Poster Presentation

Every attendee is invited to contribute a poster describing his/her current research. Contributed posters can address any theme in PER. Contributed posters should be no larger than 4' by 4'. We encourage posters to include an image of the authors as well as a QR code that links to a short (2-3 minute) presentation of the material. You may find the site http://goqr.me useful in creating the QR code. Poster abstracts submitted before the proceedings-eligible deadline are eligible to submit a paper to the PERC proceedings. Poster abstracts submitted after the deadline are not.

Parallel Sessions

Attendees are also encouraged to submit proposals for the two parallel sessions. The parallel sessions are designed to encourage smaller groups to delve deeply into a more specialized aspect of PER and offer more opportunities for interaction between attendees. Below are some suggested session types although you are not limited to these formats; combinations or other formats appropriate for the topic of the session are welcome. Parallel session proposals should include a description and explanation of the session format chosen. The session proposal should include the session title, organizer and presenter names, description of the session content, relevance/applicability to PER, and how each presenter will contribute to the session theme.

Poster Symposia

Poster symposia should be organized around a common theme or body of work. Symposia should begin with brief introductory remarks framing the theme and goals of the session. Typically, participants will freely mingle around the gallery of poster contributions, allowing for more interactive and informal conversations with individual presenters.  The session organizers should then guide a synthesis of the collection of work, followed by a period for open discussion. Although it is not a requirement, symposia organizers are urged to connect their research to the conference theme. It is also suggested that no more than five posters be presented in a given session.

Talk Symposia

Talk symposia should be organized around a common theme or body of work. Symposia should begin with brief introductory remarks from framing the theme and goals of the session, followed by a series of talks.  The session organizers should then guide a synthesis of the collection of work, followed by a period for open discussion. Although it is not a requirement, symposia organizers are urged to connect their research to the conference theme. It is also suggested that no more than five talks be presented in a given session.


Workshops afford participants an opportunity to engage with the research tools and strategies employed by the presenter(s). Workshop presenters will create an interactive environment in which participants will become familiarized with real data or research results and work collaboratively to discuss their analysis and/or implications through activities. Workshops are collaborative explorations in which participants assist presenters with data analysis. Workshops should strive to address issues that pertain to the conference theme and/or general issues related to methodology of physics education research.

Other Formats

If you wish to organize a parallel session with a hybrid or new format please include additional information in the description and explanation in the session proposal. This information should include a detailed description of the session format, justification/advantage for such a format, equipment/furniture/space needs (in addition to what is standard for symposia and workshops), potential limits for audience size, and other relevant information specific to your format.