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PERC Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I register for PERC?

PERC registration is done through AAPT registration, all PERC attendees are required to register for at least one day of AAPT. Many PERC attendees also attend the entire duration of AAPT. Virtual PERC registration will also be available through virtual AAPT registration, 1 day of AAPT registration is still required for virtual PERC registration. While you are registering for AAPT there will be a drop down menu for each day of the AAPT conference that includes additional events that you register to attend. To register for PERC open the Wednesday drop down menu and add PERC Conference to your itinerary.

Q: What size should my poster be?

Contributed posters should be no larger than 4' by 4'. We encourage posters to include an image of the authors as well as a QR code that links to a short (2-3 minute) presentation of the material.

Q: What options are there for virtual attendance?

There will be limited options for virtual attendance. At minimum there will be a virtual poster session allowing virtual presenters to submit to the proceedings. There will likely also be some simulcast plenary and parallel sessions but not all. This option is intended for those who cannot safely travel to the conference.

Q: What kinds of presentation options are available at PERC?

All attendees can submit posters, this is common for researchers at all levels (faculty, post-docs, grads, undergrad, etc.). Additionally, attendees may submit proposals for organizing parallel sessions which may include additional presentation options. The 2022 deadline for parallel session submissions was April 7, 2022.

Q: Who can submit a proposal for presenting at PERC?

Anyone attending can submit a poster abstract that allows them to present a poster. Posters are commonly submitted by researchers at all levels (faculty, post-docs, grads, undergrad, etc.). There is a special first-timer's poster session to offer a supportive environment for early researchers.

Q: What is the difference between paper-eligible and non-paper eligible posters?

There are two types of posters, paper-eligible and non-paper eligible. Paper-eligible poster abstracts were due along with the full proceeding manuscript by May, 16, 2022. The only difference between paper-eligible and non-paper eligible posters is whether the submitter chooses to also submit a manuscript. All posters are presented in the same sessions. Non-paper eligible poster abstracts, any abstract that does not have an associated manuscript, are due by June 20, 2022.

Q: Can I submit a poster with the same content as my parallel session?

Yes, if you are invited to present in a parallel session you are welcome to also have a poster on the same or similar content.

Q: How do I submit a paper for the PERC Proceedings?

You will need to be logged in to a per-central account, you then click Abstract Submissions. Near the bottom of the form there is a check box for submitting a paper, this opens additional aspects of the form where you can upload your paper.

Q: What sorts of papers get accepted in the PERC Proceedings?

Papers of interest to the Physics Education Research community broadly are considered for the PERC Proceedings. We encourage submitters to consider the Evaluation Criteria for additional insights about the kinds of papers that are accepted.

Q: How does the peer review process work for PERC?

See detailed information about the Peer Review Process.

Q: Does my PERC proceedings paper have to be the same work as my contributed poster?

Yes, the proceedings are intended to capture the work presented at the conference.

Q: Can I submit a proceedings paper for a parallel session I’m running? What about the other presenters in the parallel session?

Yes, you can submit a paper for any work presented at PERC. When logged in to your per-central account you should see your presentation abstract and be able to edit that abstract. If you cannot figure out how to include the manuscript there, you can also submit it through the traditional poster session form and then contact a PERC editor or organizer to have the manuscript attached to your presentation rather than a separate poster.

Q: Does submitting an abstract to PERC proceedings "count" for submitting a poster for presentation? If not, how do I submit a poster?

Yes, when submitting the manuscript the abstract you submit is also considered the abstract for your poster. The poster need not be finished until closer to the conference date (prior to the conference for remote posters, or the day of presenting for in-person posters).

Q: Can I submit a PERC proceedings paper if I attend virtually?

Yes, you will use the exact same process as if you were attending in person. When submitting you will be asked whether you intend to present in person, virtually, or are unsure. You will have to specific modality when you register.

Q: Who can I contact with additional questions about the PERC proceedings?

For additional questions about the PERC proceedings and peer review process, please contact the current PERC Editors.

Q: Who can I contact with additional questions about the PERC?

For additional questions about the conference, sessions, presentation, theme, etc. contact the PERC Organizers (perc-organizers@aapt.org)