2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings Relations
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2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
“Energy Theater”: Using The Body Symbolically To Understand Energy
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
A Conceptual Approach to Physics Problem Solving
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Addressing Student Difficulties with Statistical Mechanics: The Boltzmann Factor
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
An Evolving Model for Seeing Colored Objects: A Case Study Progression
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Applying ISLE Ideas to Active Engagement in the Spins Paradigm
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Are All Wrong FCI Answers Equivalent?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Are Learning Assistants Better K-12 Science Teachers?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Assessing Students' Attitudes In A College Physics Course In Mexico
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Beta-Test Data on an Assessment of Textbook Problem Solving Ability: An Argument for Right/Wrong Grading?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Beta-Test Data on an Assessment of Textbook Problem Solving Ability: An Argument for Right/Wrong Grading?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Changing Participation Through Formation of Student Learning Communities
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Characterizing Complexity of Computer Simulations and Implications for Student Learning
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Comparing Educational Tools Using Activity Theory: Clickers and Flashcards
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Constructing a Model of Physics Expertise
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Constructing Definitions as a Goal of Inquiry
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Design of a Synthesizing Lecture on Mechanics Concepts
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Development and evaluation of large-enrollment, active-learning physical science curriculum
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Development of a Survey Instrument to Gauge Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Direct and Indirect Approaches to Increasing Conceptual Survey Gains
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Documenting and Interpreting Ways to Engage Students in ‘Thinking Like a Physicist’
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Effects of a Prior Virtual Experience on Students’ Interpretations of Real Data
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Electric Field Concept: Effect of the Context and the Type of Questions
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Energy in Action: The Construction of Physics Ideas in Multiple Modes
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Examining the Beliefs and Practice of Teaching Assistants: Two Case Studies
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Facilitating Strategies for Solving Work-Energy Problems in Graphical and Equational Representations
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Facilitating Students’ Problem Solving across Multiple Representations in Introductory Mechanics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Faculty Perspectives On Using Peer Instruction: A National Study
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Fluctuations in Student Understanding of Newton’s 3rd Law
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Frame Analysis as a Way to Understand the Complex Dynamic of Classroom Teaching Practice
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Gender Differences in Physics 1: The Impact of a Self-Affirmation Intervention
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Generating Explanations for an Emergent Process: The Movement of Sand Dunes
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
How Does Visual Attention Differ Between Experts and Novices on Physics Problems?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Impact of Informal Science Education on Children's Attitudes About Science
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Improved Student Performance in Electricity and Magnetism Following Prior MAPS Instruction in Mechanics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Improving Students’ Understanding of Quantum Measurement
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Influence of Learning Styles on Conceptual Learning of Physics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Instructional explanations as an interface - The role of explanatory primitives
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Introducing students to the culture of physics: Explicating elements of the hidden curriculum
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Investigating Student Understanding for a Statistical Analysis of Two Thermally Interacting Solids
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Investigating the Perceived Difficulty of Introductory Physics Problems
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Losing it: The Influence of Losses on Individuals' Normalized Gains
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of students’ understanding of vector subtraction
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
nTIPERs: Tasks to Help Students “Unpack” Aspects of Newtonian Mechanics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Online Multimedia PreLab Tutorials in Conservation Laws
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Our best juniors still struggle with Gauss’s Law: Characterizing their difficulties
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Physics Teacher Characteristics and Classroom Practices
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Pilot Testing of the Pathway Active Learning Environment
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Pre-Service Physics Teachers and Physics Education Research
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Promoting and Studying Deep-Level Discourse During Large-Lecture Introductory Physics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
REU Students’ Initial Perceptions of Scientific Ethics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Scientific Reasoning for Pre-service Elementary Teachers
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Searching for Evidence of Student Understanding
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Student Understanding of the Correlation between Hands- on Activities and Computer Visualizations of NMR/MRI
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Students’ Responses to Different Representations of a Vector Addition Question
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Students’ Understanding of the Concepts of Vector Components and Vector Products
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Survey Development for Assessing Learning Identity in an ISLE Classroom
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Surveying Instructors’ Attitudes and Approaches to Teaching Quantum Mechanics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Surveying Students’ Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Sustained Effects of Solving Conceptually-scaffolded Synthesis Problems
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
TA Beliefs in a SCALE-UP Style Classroom
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
The Beginnings of Energy in Third Graders’ Reasoning
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
The Impact of the History of Physics on Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding of Physics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
The Use of a Web-Based Classroom Interaction System in Introductory Physics Classes
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
The use of concept tests and peer instruction in upper-division physics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Toward an Integrated Online Learning Environment
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Toward Meaning and Scientific Thinking in the Traditional Freshman Laboratory: Opening the "Idea Space"
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Uncovering the Hidden Decisions that Shape Curricula
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Understanding and Interpreting Calculus Graphs: Refining an Instrument
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Understanding How Students Use Physical Ideas in Introductory Biology Courses
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Upper-Division Activities That Foster “Thinking Like A Physicist”
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Using Analogy to Solve a Three-Step Physics Problem
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Using Reflection with Peers to Help Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Variables that Correlate with Faculty Use of Research-Based Instructional Strategies
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Vector Addition: Effect of the Context and Position of the Vectors
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
What We Learned by Moving Beyond Content Knowledge and Diversifying Our Research Agenda
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Who Becomes a Physics Major? A Long-term Longitudinal Study Examining the Roles of Pre-college Beliefs about Physics and Learning Physics, Interest, and Academic Achievement
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Why Do Faculty Try Research Based Instructional Strategies?
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Writing Position Vectors in 3-d Space: A Student Difficulty With Spherical Unit Vectors in Intermediate E&M
relation created by Alea Smith
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Comparing Student Learning in Mechanics Using Simulations and Hands-on Activities
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Exploring Student Understanding of Atoms and Radiation with the Atom Builder Simulator
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Positive Impacts of Modeling Instruction on Self-Efficacy
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Students' and Instructor's Impressions of Ill-structured Capstone Projects in an Advanced Electronics Lab
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Using the Algebra Project Method to Regiment Discourse in an Energy Course for Teachers
relation created by Lyle Barbato
2010 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings contains
Using the Algebra Project Method to Regiment Discourse in an Energy Course for Teachers
relation created by Alea SmithOther Related Resources
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