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NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics Relations

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NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics is referenced by Visual Quantum Mechanics
relation created by Bruce Mason

Visual Quantum Mechanics is a collection of activities and tutorials appropriate at the high-school level.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Creating an Energy Level to Model LEDs
relation created by Bruce Mason

Creating an Energy Level to Model LEDs is a tutorial which illuminates the role of energy levels in emission spectra.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Energy Diagram Explorer
relation created by Bruce Mason

The Energy Diagram Explorer is used to illustrate the meaning of potential and kinetic energy diagrams and also to introduce a macroscopic analogue of tunneling.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Gas Spectroscopy
relation created by Bruce Mason

Gas Lamp Emission explores the effect of transitions between electronic energy levels on observed emmision spectra

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Infrared Detector: Card Model
relation created by Bruce Mason

The Infrared Detector: Card Model tutorial illustrates the concepts of energy levels and energy bands, and how transitions determine emission spectra.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Matter Waves
relation created by Bruce Mason

Matter Waves illustrates the wave-like properties of matter.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Modeling Light Emission by Fluorescent Lamps
relation created by Bruce Mason

Modeling Light Emission by Fluorescent Lamps is used to explain the effect of impurities on energy bands and on the creation of metastable states.

NARST 1999: Research on Teaching and Learning Quantum Mechanics references Modeling Light Emission to Explain Phosphorescence
relation created by Bruce Mason

Modeling Light Emission to Explain Phosphorescence explores transitions between energy levels of in a solid, including conduction, valence, and impurity bands.

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