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Journal of the Learning Sciences
written by Eugenia Etkina, Anna Karelina, Maria Ruibal-Villasenor, David Rosengrant, Rebecca Jordan, and Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver
Design activities, when embedded in an inquiry cycle and appropriately scaffolded and supplemented with reflection, can promote the development of the habits of mind (scientific abilities) that are an important part of scientific practice. Through the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE), students construct physics knowledge by engaging in inquiry cycles that replicate the approach used by physicists to construct knowledge. A significant portion of student learning occurs in ISLE instructional labs where students design their own experiments. The labs provide an environment for cognitive apprenticeship enhanced by formative assessment. As a result, students develop interpretive knowing that helps them approach new problems as scientists. This article describes a classroom study in which the students in the ISLE design lab performed equally well on traditional exams as ISLE students who did not engage in design activities. However, the design group significantly outperformed the non-design group while working on novel experimental tasks (in physics and biology), demonstrating the application of scientific abilities to an inquiry task in a novel content domain. This research shows that a learning environment that integrates cognitive apprenticeship and formative assessment in a series of conceptual design tasks provides a rich context for helping students build scientific habits of mind.
Journal of the Learning Sciences: Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 54-98
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Active Learning
= Inquiry Learning
- Curriculum Development
= Laboratory
- Learning Environment
Education - Basic Research
- Assessment
= Formative Assessment
- Learning Theory
= Cognitive Apprenticeship
General Physics
- Scientific Reasoning
- Lower Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
- Professional/Practitioners
  • Currently 0.0/5

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© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created May 30, 2012 by Lyle Barbato
Record Updated:
March 4, 2013 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
January 25, 2010
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AIP Format
E. Etkina, A. Karelina, M. Ruibal-Villasenor, D. Rosengrant, R. Jordan, and C. Hmelo-Silver, , J. Learn. Sci. 19 (1), 54 (2010), WWW Document, (https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876).
E. Etkina, A. Karelina, M. Ruibal-Villasenor, D. Rosengrant, R. Jordan, and C. Hmelo-Silver, Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories, J. Learn. Sci. 19 (1), 54 (2010), <https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876>.
APA Format
Etkina, E., Karelina, A., Ruibal-Villasenor, M., Rosengrant, D., Jordan, R., & Hmelo-Silver, C. (2010, January 25). Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories. J. Learn. Sci., 19(1), 54-98. Retrieved January 23, 2025, from https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876
Chicago Format
Etkina, E, A. Karelina, M. Ruibal-Villasenor, D. Rosengrant, R. Jordan, and C. Hmelo-Silver. "Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories." J. Learn. Sci. 19, no. 1, (January 25, 2010): 54-98, https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876 (accessed 23 January 2025).
MLA Format
Etkina, Eugenia, Anna Karelina, Maria Ruibal-Villasenor, David Rosengrant, Rebecca Jordan, and Cindy Hmelo-Silver. "Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories." J. Learn. Sci. 19.1 (2010): 54-98. 23 Jan. 2025 <https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876>.
BibTeX Export Format
@article{ Author = "Eugenia Etkina and Anna Karelina and Maria Ruibal-Villasenor and David Rosengrant and Rebecca Jordan and Cindy Hmelo-Silver", Title = {Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories}, Journal = {J. Learn. Sci.}, Volume = {19}, Number = {1}, Pages = {54-98}, Month = {January}, Year = {2010} }
Refer Export Format

%A Eugenia Etkina %A Anna Karelina %A Maria Ruibal-Villasenor %A David Rosengrant %A Rebecca Jordan %A Cindy Hmelo-Silver %T Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories %J J. Learn. Sci. %V 19 %N 1 %D January 25, 2010 %P 54-98 %U https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Journal Article %A Etkina, Eugenia %A Karelina, Anna %A Ruibal-Villasenor, Maria %A Rosengrant, David %A Jordan, Rebecca %A Hmelo-Silver, Cindy %D January 25, 2010 %T Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories %J J. Learn. Sci. %V 19 %N 1 %P 54-98 %8 January 25, 2010 %U https://doi.org/10.1080/10508400903452876

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