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Physical Review Physics Education Research
written by Tobias Espinosa, Kelly Miller, Ives Araujo, and Eric Mazur
Self-efficacy represents an individual's belief that he or she can perform a particular task in a given domain. It is a strong predictor for performance and persistence in STEM education. Research shows that there is a large and persistent gender gap in student self-efficacy in STEM academic disciplines. In some cases, active teaching strategies have been shown to positively affect physics self-efficacy but it is unclear how this impact differs between men and women. In this study, we investigate the impact of a physics class taught with active teaching strategies on students' self-reported physics self-efficacy and how this impact varies across gender lines. We measured the change in physics self-efficacy over four different dimensions; conceptual understanding, problem-solving, lab and hands-on activities, and collaborative work. We report three main findings. First, the initial physics self-efficacy gender gap disappeared by the end of the semester. Second, female students' self-efficacy improved significantly, whereas there was no significant change in the self-efficacy of the male students. Third, the gender gaps in the conceptual understanding and problem-solving dimensions in particular, were significantly reduced. This study represents an initial step towards understanding the influence of active teaching strategies can have on reducing the self-efficacy gender gap.
Physical Review Physics Education Research: Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 010132
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Active Learning
- Learning Environment
Education - Basic Research
- Societal Issues
= Gender Issues
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- Lower Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Article
= Research study
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
- Educators
  • Currently 0.0/5

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This material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
Rights Holder:
Tobias Espinosa, Kelly Miller, Ives Araujo, and Eric Mazur
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created May 28, 2019 by Sam McKagan
Record Updated:
June 12, 2019 by Bruce Mason
Last Update
when Cataloged:
May 28, 2019
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Record Link
AIP Format
T. Espinosa, K. Miller, I. Araujo, and E. Mazur, , Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15 (1), 010132 (2019), WWW Document, (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132).
T. Espinosa, K. Miller, I. Araujo, and E. Mazur, Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15 (1), 010132 (2019), <https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132>.
APA Format
Espinosa, T., Miller, K., Araujo, I., & Mazur, E. (2019, May 28). Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., 15(1), 010132. Retrieved February 8, 2025, from https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132
Chicago Format
Espinosa, T, K. Miller, I. Araujo, and E. Mazur. "Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class." Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15, no. 1, (May 28, 2019): 010132, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132 (accessed 8 February 2025).
MLA Format
Espinosa, Tobias, Kelly Miller, Ives Araujo, and Eric Mazur. "Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class." Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15.1 (2019): 010132. 8 Feb. 2025 <https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132>.
BibTeX Export Format
@article{ Author = "Tobias Espinosa and Kelly Miller and Ives Araujo and Eric Mazur", Title = {Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res.}, Volume = {15}, Number = {1}, Pages = {010132}, Month = {May}, Year = {2019} }
Refer Export Format

%A Tobias Espinosa %A Kelly Miller %A Ives Araujo %A Eric Mazur %T Reducing the gender gap in students' physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class %J Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. %V 15 %N 1 %D May 28, 2019 %P 010132 %U https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Journal Article %A Espinosa, Tobias %A Miller, Kelly %A Araujo, Ives %A Mazur, Eric %D May 28, 2019 %T Reducing the gender gap in students' physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class %J Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. %V 15 %N 1 %P 010132 %8 May 28, 2019 %U https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.15.010132

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