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written by Ibrahim Halloun
Lebanese secondary school students' conceptual profiles in physics are evaluated by comparison to their U.S. peers, in an attempt to ascertain the effectiveness of the Lebanese physics curriculum currently in place. A conceptual profile consists, among others, of conceptions and dispositions that students develop about a particular discipline. A battery of three instruments were developed and validated to assess student profiles in particular areas of physics. Two instruments, the Inventory of Basic Conceptions in Mechanics and the Inventory of Basic Conceptions about DC circuits, targeted student conceptions in classical mechanics and electricity respectively. A third instrument, the physics form of the Views About Science Survey, targeted student dispositions about knowing and learning physics. The three instruments were administered to over three thousand Lebanese and U.S. students between 2004 and 2007. Results show that Lebanese students: (a) enter secondary school encumbered with naive conceptual profiles that are at odds with scientific paradigm, (b) fail, after physics instruction, to enhance their profiles and develop them to the level aspired for in the official curriculum, and (c) lag, in most conceptual respects, behind their U.S. peers.
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Classical Mechanics
- General
Education - Basic Research
- Assessment
= Instruments
Electricity & Magnetism
- DC Circuits
- High School
- Reference Material
= Report
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
- Professional/Practitioners
- Educators
  • Currently 0.0/5

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© 2007 Ibrahim Halloun
Attitudes, authentic assessment, conceptions, conceptual profile, curriculum evaluation, diagnostic instruments, dispositions, electricity, mechanics, nature of science
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created October 31, 2019 by Sam McKagan
Record Updated:
November 8, 2019 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
October 1, 2007
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AIP Format
I. Halloun, , 2007, WWW Document, (http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf).
I. Halloun, Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students, 2007, <http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf>.
APA Format
Halloun, I. (2007). Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students. Retrieved December 5, 2024, from http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf
Chicago Format
Halloun, Ibrahim. "Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students." 2007. http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf (accessed 5 December 2024).
MLA Format
Halloun, Ibrahim. Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students. 2007. 5 Dec. 2024 <http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf>.
BibTeX Export Format
@techreport{ Author = "Ibrahim Halloun", Title = {Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students}, Month = {October}, Year = {2007} }
Refer Export Format

%A Ibrahim Halloun %T Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students %D October 1, 2007 %U http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf %O application/ms-word

EndNote Export Format

%0 Report %A Halloun, Ibrahim %D October 1, 2007 %T Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary Students %8 October 1, 2007 %U http://www.halloun.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/LU-Summative-Report-10-07.pdf

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