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The Physics Teacher
written by Mildred Boveda and Andrea Weinberg
In this article, we introduce the Intersectionally Conscious Collaboration (ICC) protocol to physics educators who seek to disrupt the long-standing inequities in their field. Recent studies raise awareness of diversity and inclusivity concerns and propose best practices for reducing bias toward women, LGBTQ+ students, and racially/ethnically minoritized students. Documented evidence demonstrates persistent challenges for women in physics in university settings, even addressing the identities and experiences of Women of Color. Simone Hyater-Adams and colleagues' Critical Physics Identity framework, focused on Black physics identity, simultaneously considers racial and physics identities and individuals' experiences within the context of structural and institutionalized oppression in the physics community. The ICC protocol includes six elements designed to support collaboration and inclusive instructional practices that respond to how multidimensional inequities and power differentials may manifest in academic settings.
The Physics Teacher: Volume 58, Issue 7, Pages 480-483
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Recruitment
= Diversity
Education - Basic Research
- Sample Population
= Ethnicity or Race
= Gender
- Societal Issues
= Gender Issues
= Race Issues
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- Lower Undergraduate
- Graduate/Professional
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Article
PER-Central Types Intended Users Ratings
- Curriculum
- Curriculum / Pedagogy Guide
- Educators
- Administrators
- Researchers
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Available by subscription
© 2020 American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
gender equity, inclusivity, physics identity
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created December 20, 2021 by Sam McKagan
Record Updated:
December 23, 2021 by Caroline Hall
Last Update
when Cataloged:
September 23, 2020
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Record Link
AIP Format
M. Boveda and A. Weinberg, , Phys. Teach. 58 (7), 480 (2020), WWW Document, (https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066).
M. Boveda and A. Weinberg, Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education, Phys. Teach. 58 (7), 480 (2020), <https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066>.
APA Format
Boveda, M., & Weinberg, A. (2020, September 23). Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education. Phys. Teach., 58(7), 480-483. Retrieved February 11, 2025, from https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066
Chicago Format
Boveda, Mildred, and Andrea Weinberg. "Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education." Phys. Teach. 58, no. 7, (September 23, 2020): 480-483, https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066 (accessed 11 February 2025).
MLA Format
Boveda, Mildred, and Andrea Weinberg. "Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education." Phys. Teach. 58.7 (2020): 480-483. 11 Feb. 2025 <https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066>.
BibTeX Export Format
@article{ Author = "Mildred Boveda and Andrea Weinberg", Title = {Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education}, Journal = {Phys. Teach.}, Volume = {58}, Number = {7}, Pages = {480-483}, Month = {September}, Year = {2020} }
Refer Export Format

%A Mildred Boveda %A Andrea Weinberg %T Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education %J Phys. Teach. %V 58 %N 7 %D September 23, 2020 %P 480-483 %U https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Journal Article %A Boveda, Mildred %A Weinberg, Andrea %D September 23, 2020 %T Facilitating Intersectionally Conscious Collaborations in Physics Education %J Phys. Teach. %V 58 %N 7 %P 480-483 %8 September 23, 2020 %U https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0002066

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