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The Physics Teacher
written by Edward F. Redish
The key difference between math as math and math in science is that in science we blend our physical knowledge with our knowledge of math. This blending changes the way we put meaning to math and even the way we interpret mathematical equations. Learning to think about physics with math instead of just calculating involves a number of general scientific thinking skills that are often taken for granted (and rarely taught) in physics classes. In this paper, I give an overview of my analysis of these additional skills. I propose specific tools for helping students develop these skills in subsequent papers.

See Related Materials for links to the additional five articles that accompany this overview.
The Physics Teacher: Volume 59, Issue 5, Pages 314-318
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Pedagogy
= Multidisciplinary
Education - Basic Research
- Cognition
= Cognition Development
- Learning Theory
= Cognitive Modeling
= Representations
= Transfer
- Problem Solving
= Representational Use
- Student Characteristics
= Skills
General Physics
- Scientific Reasoning
Other Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Professional Development
- Graduate/Professional
- Collection
- Reference Material
= Article
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Educators
- Professional/Practitioners
- Administrators
- Researchers
  • Currently 0.0/5

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© 2021 American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
math reasoning, mathematics schema, nature of science, physics reasoning, schema
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created May 18, 2023 by Sam McKagan
Record Updated:
June 21, 2023 by Caroline Hall
Last Update
when Cataloged:
April 30, 2021
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Record Link
AIP Format
E. Redish, , Phys. Teach. 59 (5), 314 (2021), WWW Document, (https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129).
E. Redish, Using Math in Physics: Overview, Phys. Teach. 59 (5), 314 (2021), <https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129>.
APA Format
Redish, E. (2021, April 30). Using Math in Physics: Overview. Phys. Teach., 59(5), 314-318. Retrieved December 10, 2024, from https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129
Chicago Format
Redish, Edward F.. "Using Math in Physics: Overview." Phys. Teach. 59, no. 5, (April 30, 2021): 314-318, https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129 (accessed 10 December 2024).
MLA Format
Redish, Edward F.. "Using Math in Physics: Overview." Phys. Teach. 59.5 (2021): 314-318. 10 Dec. 2024 <https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129>.
BibTeX Export Format
@article{ Author = "Edward F. Redish", Title = {Using Math in Physics: Overview}, Journal = {Phys. Teach.}, Volume = {59}, Number = {5}, Pages = {314-318}, Month = {April}, Year = {2021} }
Refer Export Format

%A Edward F. Redish %T Using Math in Physics: Overview %J Phys. Teach. %V 59 %N 5 %D April 30, 2021 %P 314-318 %U https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Journal Article %A Redish, Edward F. %D April 30, 2021 %T Using Math in Physics: Overview %J Phys. Teach. %V 59 %N 5 %P 314-318 %8 April 30, 2021 %U https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0021129

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Using Math in Physics: Overview:

Accompanies Using Math in Physics: 4. Toy models

A link to the fourth in the series of five articles, Using Math in Physics 4: Toy Models.

relation by Caroline Hall
Accompanies Using Math in Physics: 2. Estimation

A link to the second in the series of five articles, Using Math in Physics 2: Estimation.

relation by Caroline Hall
Accompanies Using Math in Physics: 3. Anchor equations

A link to the third in the series of five articles, Using Math in Physics 3: Anchor Equations.

relation by Caroline Hall
Accompanies Using Math in Physics: 5. Functional dependence

A link to the fifth in the series of five articles, Using Math in Physics 5: Functional Dependence.

relation by Caroline Hall
Accompanies Using Math in Physics: 1. Dimensional Analysis

A link to the first in this series of five articles: "Using Math in Physics 1: Dimensional Analysis".

relation by Caroline Hall

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