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Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric
written by Andrew J. Mason, Elisheva Cohen, Edit Yerushalmi, and Chandralekha Singh
Expert problem solvers are characterized by continuous evaluation of their progress towards a solution. One characteristic of expertise is self-diagnosis directed towards elaboration of the solvers' conceptual understanding, knowledge organization or strategic approach. "Self-diagnosis tasks" aim at fostering diagnostic behavior by explicitly requiring students to present diagnosis as part of the activity of reviewing their problem solutions. We have been investigating how introductory physics students perform in such tasks. Developing a robust rubric is essential for objective evaluation of students' self-diagnosis skills. We discuss the development of a grading rubric that takes into account introductory physics students' content knowledge as well as analysis, planning and presentation skills. Using this rubric, we have found the inter-rater reliability to be better than 80%. The rubric can easily be adapted to other problems, as will be discussed in a companion paper.
Physics Education Research Conference 2008
Part of the PER Conference series
Edmonton, Canada: July 23-24, 2008
Volume 1064, Pages 147-150
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Active Learning
= Problem Solving
Education - Basic Research
- Assessment
= Formative Assessment
= Instruments
- Lower Undergraduate
- Graduate/Professional
- Assessment Material
= Rubric
- Reference Material
= Research study
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
  • Currently 0.0/5

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© 2008 American Institute of Physics
A hard copy of the PERC 2008 proceedings is available for purchase from the AIP.
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PERC 2008, alternative assessment, educational aids, educational computing, educational courses, engineering education, learning (artificial intelligence), problem solving, reflection, research and development management, scientific information systems, self-diagnosis
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created September 25, 2008 by Jenny Rempel
Record Updated:
July 16, 2013 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
October 20, 2008
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Record Link
AIP Format
A. Mason, E. Cohen, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2008, Edmonton, Canada, 2008, WWW Document, (https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735).
A. Mason, E. Cohen, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2008, Edmonton, Canada, 2008, <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735>.
APA Format
Mason, A., Cohen, E., Yerushalmi, E., & Singh, C. (2008, July 23-24). Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2008, Edmonton, Canada. Retrieved February 9, 2025, from https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735
Chicago Format
Mason, A, E. Cohen, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh. "Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2008, Edmonton, Canada, July 23-24, 2008. https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735 (accessed 9 February 2025).
MLA Format
Mason, Andrew, Elisheva Cohen, Edit Yerushalmi, and Chandralekha Singh. "Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric." Physics Education Research Conference 2008. Edmonton, Canada: 2008. 147-150 Vol. 1064 of PER Conference. 9 Feb. 2025 <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Andrew Mason and Elisheva Cohen and Edit Yerushalmi and Chandralekha Singh", Title = {Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2008}, Pages = {147-150}, Address = {Edmonton, Canada}, Series = {PER Conference}, Volume = {1064}, Month = {July 23-24}, Year = {2008} }
Refer Export Format

%A Andrew Mason %A Elisheva Cohen %A Edit Yerushalmi %A Chandralekha Singh %T Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric %S PER Conference %V 1064 %D July 23-24 2008 %P 147-150 %C Edmonton, Canada %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735 %O Physics Education Research Conference 2008 %O July 23-24 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Mason, Andrew %A Cohen, Elisheva %A Yerushalmi, Edit %A Singh, Chandralekha %D July 23-24 2008 %T Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Developing a Rubric %B Physics Education Research Conference 2008 %C Edmonton, Canada %V 1064 %P 147-150 %S PER Conference %8 July 23-24 %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=8104&DocID=735

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