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Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum
written by Valerie K. Otero and Kara E. Gray
Instructional techniques based on research in cognitive science and physics education have been used in physics courses to enhance student learning. While dramatic increases in conceptual understanding have been observed, students enrolled in these courses tend to shift away from scientist-like views of the discipline (and views of learning within the discipline) and toward novice-like views. Shifts toward scientist-like views are found when course materials and instruction explicitly address epistemology, the nature of science, and the nature of learning. The Physics and Everyday Thinking (PET) curriculum has specific goals for helping non-science majors explicitly reflect on the nature of science and the nature of science learning. We show that in PET courses with small and large enrollments, shifts toward scientist-like thinking ranged from +4% to +16.5% on the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey. These results are compared to results from other studies using a variety of similar assessment instruments.
Physics Education Research Conference 2007
Part of the PER Conference series
Greensboro, NC: August 1-2, 2007
Volume 951, Pages 160-163
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Active Learning
= Inquiry Learning
- Teacher Preparation
Education - Basic Research
- Cognition
= Cognition Development
- Research Design & Methodology
General Physics
- Scientific Reasoning
- Lower Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
- Educators
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© 2007 2007 American Institute of Physics.
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Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey, PERC 2007, Physics and Everyday Thinking, cognitive science, educational technology, epistemology, instructional techniques, learning by example, nature of learning, nature of science, physics, research initiatives
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created June 9, 2009 by Jenny Rempel
Record Updated:
July 16, 2013 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
November 12, 2007
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Record Link
AIP Format
V. Otero and K. Gray, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2007, Greensboro, NC, 2007, WWW Document, (https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011).
V. Otero and K. Gray, Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2007, Greensboro, NC, 2007, <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011>.
APA Format
Otero, V., & Gray, K. (2007, August 1-2). Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2007, Greensboro, NC. Retrieved February 9, 2025, from https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011
Chicago Format
Otero, Valerie, and Kara Gray. "Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2007, Greensboro, NC, August 1-2, 2007. https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011 (accessed 9 February 2025).
MLA Format
Otero, Valerie, and Kara Gray. "Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum." Physics Education Research Conference 2007. Greensboro, NC: 2007. 160-163 Vol. 951 of PER Conference. 9 Feb. 2025 <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Valerie Otero and Kara Gray", Title = {Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2007}, Pages = {160-163}, Address = {Greensboro, NC}, Series = {PER Conference}, Volume = {951}, Month = {August 1-2}, Year = {2007} }
Refer Export Format

%A Valerie Otero %A Kara Gray %T Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum %S PER Conference %V 951 %D August 1-2 2007 %P 160-163 %C Greensboro, NC %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011 %O Physics Education Research Conference 2007 %O August 1-2 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Otero, Valerie %A Gray, Kara %D August 1-2 2007 %T Learning to Think Like Scientists with the PET Curriculum %B Physics Education Research Conference 2007 %C Greensboro, NC %V 951 %P 160-163 %S PER Conference %8 August 1-2 %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9094&DocID=2011

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