Materials Similar to Patterns, correlates, and reduction of homework copying
- 33%: Using multimedia modules to better prepare students for introductory physics lecture
- 31%: Feedback With Web-based Homework And PADs
- 31%: The impact of extra credit incentives on students’ work habits when completing online homework assignments
- 30%: Effective Grain-Size of Mastery-Style Online Homework Levels
- 30%: Comparing student behavior in mastery and conventional style online physics homework
- 29%: Comparison of student performance using web and paper-based homework in college-level physics
- 29%: Online homework: Does it make a difference?
- 28%: A Computer Aided Unit to Teach Reduction of Experimental Data to a Functional Relationship
- 28%: Examining the Effectiveness of Clickers on Promoting Learning by Tracking the Evolution of Student Responses
- 27%: Students' Conceptual Knowledge of Energy and Momentum
- 27%: Physics Problem Solving in Cooperative Learning Groups
- 27%: An analysis of asynchronous online homework discussions in introductory physics courses
- 27%: Using the Resources of the Student at the Urban, Comprehensive University to Develop an Effective Instructional Environment
- 27%: Assessment of Student Problem Solving Processes
- 26%: Eye-gaze patterns as students study worked-out examples in mechanics