Materials Similar to The Impact of the History of Physics on Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding of Physics
- 64%: The impact of problem-based learning on engineering students’ beliefs about physics and conceptual understanding of energy and momentum
- 58%: Longer term impacts of transformed courses on student conceptual understanding of E&M
- 58%: A study on the impact of real, virtual and comprehensive experimenting on students’ conceptual understanding of DC electric circuits and their skills in undergraduate electricity laboratory
- 57%: Conceptual Understanding of Resistive Electric Circuits Among First-year Engineering Students
- 53%: Transferring Transformations: Learning Gains, Student Attitudes, and the Impacts of Multiple Instructors in Large Lecture Courses
- 53%: Developing and validating a conceptual survey to assess introductory physics students' understanding of magnetism
- 52%: Modeling students’ conceptual understanding of force, velocity, and acceleration
- 52%: Visualizing patterns in CSEM responses to assess student conceptual understanding
- 52%: Development and validation of a conceptual survey instrument to evaluate students’ understanding of thermodynamics
- 51%: Introductory Physics Students Retention of Conceptual Understanding of Forces
- 50%: Evaluating secondary school students’ interest and conceptual understanding of circuits
- 50%: Implementation of Scientific Community Laboratories and Their Effect on Student Conceptual Learning, Attitudes, and Understanding of Uncertainty
- 49%: Changing Scientific Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding in College Students
- 49%: Student Objections to and Understanding of Non-Cartesian Unit Vector Notation in Upper-Level E&M
- 48%: Measuring Conceptual Change in College Students' Understanding of Lunar Phases
- 48%: Assessing the impact of a computer simulation in conjunction with Tutorials in Introductory Physics on conceptual understanding
- 47%: Probing students' understanding of some conceptual themes in general relativity
- 47%: Analysis of Student Understanding of Statics Principles
- 47%: The Impact of Targeting Scientific Reasoning on Student Attitudes about Experimental Physics