Materials Similar to Development and evaluation of large-enrollment, active-learning physical science curriculum
- 79%: Development and Evaluation of a Large-Enrollment, Active-Learning Physics Curriculum
- 64%: Developing the learning physical science curriculum: Adapting a small enrollment, laboratory and discussion based physical science course for large enrollments
- 48%: Theoretically Framing a Complex Phenomenon: Student Success in Large Enrollment Active Learning Courses
- 44%: Investigative Science Learning Environment: Using the processes of science and cognitive strategies to learn physics
- 43%: Resource Letter ALIP–1: Active-Learning Instruction in Physics
- 42%: Student goals and expectations in a large-enrollment physical science class
- 41%: Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops.
- 40%: Assessing student learning of Newton's laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula
- 38%: ISLE: Investigative Science Learning Environment
- 35%: Development and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics
- 34%: Seeing the Science in Children's Thinking: Case Studies of Student Inquiry and Physical Science.
- 34%: Developing an Inquiry-Based Physical Science Course For Preservice Elementary Teachers
- 34%: Preliminary Results of Gender Equity Variations in a Large Active-Learning Introductory Physics Course Due to Laboratory Activity Instructions
- 34%: Comparison of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Groups and Peer Instruction in a Large Introductory Physics Course for Science Majors
- 34%: The Development and Measurement of Identity across the Physical Sciences
- 34%: Toward a Descriptive Science of Teaching: How the TDOP Illuminates the Multidimensional Nature of Active Learning in Postsecondary Classrooms
- 34%: Measuring Model-Based High School Science Instruction: Development and Application of a Student Survey
- 33%: Evaluation of Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey