Materials Similar to Pre-Service Physics Teachers and Physics Education Research
- 67%: Implications of research on learning for the education of prospective science and physics teachers
- 64%: A theory-guided research agenda for physics teacher education
- 63%: The Effect of an Inquiry-Based Early Field Experience on Pre-Service Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Teaching
- 63%: Scientific Reasoning for Pre-service Elementary Teachers
- 63%: Perspectives on astronomy: probing Norwegian pre-service teachers and middle school students
- 62%: "After I gave students their prior knowledge" Pre-service teachers' conceptions of student prior knowledge
- 62%: Pre-service teacher understanding of propagation and resonance in sound phenomena
- 62%: Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education - Volume 2
- 60%: What can physics teachers learn from research in physics education?
- 60%: A Survey of Israeli Physics Students' Conceptions of Energy in Pre-Service Training for High School Teachers
- 60%: Impact of Argumentation Scaffolds in Contrasting Designs Tasks on Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Use of Science Ideas in Engineering Design
- 59%: A cross-college age study about physics students' conceptions of force in pre-service training for high school teachers
- 58%: How an active-learning class influences physics self-efficacy in pre-service teachers
- 56%: A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions of Force in Pre-Service Training for High School Teachers
- 56%: Evaluating a model of research-based practices for teacher preparation in a physics department: Colorado PhysTEC
- 56%: Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops.