Materials Similar to Social Research Methods Knowledge Base
- 42%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part I
- 42%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part II
- 39%: Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods: Definitions, Comparisons, and Research Bases
- 39%: Getting Started with Quantitative Methods in Physics Education Research
- 36%: Assessment lessons from K-12 education research: Knowledge representation, learning, and motivation
- 35%: Resource Letter RBAI-1: Research-Based Assessment Instruments in Physics and Astronomy
- 34%: Using Qualitative Methods to Make and Support Claims in Physics Education Research
- 33%: Resource Letter RBAI-2: Research-based assessment instruments: Beyond physics topics
- 32%: A Research-Based Approach to Assessing Student Learning Issues in Upper-Division Electricity & Magnetism
- 31%: Qualitative methods in research on teaching
- 30%: Applying cognitive developmental psychology to middle school physics learning: The rule assessment method
- 28%: On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research
- 26%: Building an Organized Knowledge Base: Concept Mapping and Achievement in Secondary School Physics
- 26%: What We Learned by Moving Beyond Content Knowledge and Diversifying Our Research Agenda
- 26%: Technology-enhanced formative assessment: A research-based pedagogy for teaching science with classroom response technology
- 26%: Examining the diffusion of research-based instructional strategies using social network analysis: A case study of SCALE-UP
- 26%: Participation rates of in-class vs. online administration of low-stakes research-based assessments