Materials Similar to Improving Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
- 59%: Improving Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
- 57%: Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools
- 55%: Improving students’ understanding of quantum measurement. II. Development of research-based learning tools
- 48%: Improving Students’ Understanding of Quantum Measurement
- 48%: Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension
- 47%: Quantum Mechanics Survey (QMS)
- 47%: Improving student understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics
- 46%: Enhancing student visual understanding of the time evolution of quantum systems
- 46%: Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics
- 45%: Improving Student Understanding of Vector Fields in Junior-Level E&M
- 44%: Assessing and improving student understanding of quantum mechanics
- 44%: Improving Students' Understanding of Electricity and Magnetism
- 43%: Testing the development of student conceptual and visualization understanding in quantum mechanics through the undergraduate career
- 43%: Development and validation of a sequence of clicker questions for helping students learn addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics
- 43%: Exploring Student Understanding of Energy through the Quantum Mechanics Conceptual Survey
- 42%: Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern–Gerlach experiment
- 41%: Using student-generated content to engage students in upper-division quantum mechanics
- 40%: Investigating student understanding of basic quantum mechanics in the context of time-dependent perturbation theory
- 40%: Student Understanding of Tunneling in Quantum Mechanics: Examining Interview and Survey Results for Clues to Student Reasoning