Materials Similar to Teacher Education in Physics
- 68%: Development and validation of the Physics Teacher Education Program Analysis (PTEPA) Rubric
- 67%: Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education - Volume 2
- 61%: A theory-guided research agenda for physics teacher education
- 60%: Effects of the learning assistant experience on in-service teachers' practices
- 55%: Preparing future teachers to anticipate student difficulties in physics in a graduate-level course in physics, pedagogy, and education research
- 55%: Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops.
- 54%: Assessing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Future Elementary Teachers
- 50%: Inquiry-based course in physics and chemistry for preservice K-8 teachers
- 49%: Evaluating a model of research-based practices for teacher preparation in a physics department: Colorado PhysTEC
- 49%: Physics teacher production: Patterns of institutional engagement and faculty theories
- 48%: Investigating and Accounting for Physics Graduate Students' Tutorial Classroom Practice
- 48%: Changing Roles and Identities in a Teacher-Driven Professional Development Community
- 46%: Developing an Inquiry-Based Physical Science Course For Preservice Elementary Teachers
- 46%: A graduate program for high school physics and physical science teachers
- 46%: A physics department’s role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado Learning Assistant model
- 46%: Faculty perception insights obtained from faculty interviews during the development of the Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession in Higher Education (PTaP.HE) instrument
- 45%: Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants