Materials Similar to Intuitive ontologies for energy in physics
- 68%: Negative Energy: Why Interdisciplinary Physics Requires Multiple Ontologies
- 57%: Compartmentalization of Energy Concepts--Definitions, Ontologies, and Word Associations
- 50%: The Case for Dynamic Models of Learners' Ontologies in Physics
- 48%: Examining student ability to interpret and use potential energy diagrams for classical systems
- 47%: The Role of Work-energy Bar Charts as a Physical Representation in Problem Solving
- 47%: Investigating the Proposed Affordances and Limitations of the Substance Metaphor for Energy
- 45%: Student views of macroscopic and microscopic energy in physics and biology
- 45%: Students’ Understanding of Density: A Cognitive Linguistics Perspective
- 45%: How substance-based ontologies for gravity can be productive: A case study
- 45%: Student reasoning about electrostatic and gravitational potential energy: An exploratory study with interdisciplinary consequences
- 45%: Productive resources in students’ ideas about energy: An alternative analysis of Watts’ original interview transcripts
- 43%: Intuitive physics: The straight-down belief and its origin
- 43%: The need for change in elementary school teacher training: The case of the energy concept as an example
- 43%: Student Understanding Of Gravitational Potential Energy And The Motion Of Bodies In A Gravitational Field
- 43%: Energy in Action: The Construction of Physics Ideas in Multiple Modes
- 42%: Alternative conceptions in Galilean relativity: distance, time, energy, and laws
- 42%: Evidence of Intuitive and Formal Knowledge in Student Responses: Examples from the Context of Dynamics
- 42%: Addressing Student Models of Energy Loss in Quantum Tunneling
- 42%: Learner Understanding of Energy Degradation