Materials Similar to The use of PDAs as classroom interaction system: Instructors' perspective
- 60%: Impact of a Classroom Interaction System on Student Learning
- 52%: The Use of a Web-Based Classroom Interaction System in Introductory Physics Classes
- 41%: Complex Interactions between Formative Assessment, Technology, and Classroom Practices
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- 37%: Changing classroom designs: Easy; Changing instructors' pedagogies: Not so easy...
- 36%: Assessing gender differences in response system questions for an introductory physics course
- 35%: Student Interactions Leading to Learning and Transfer: A Participationist Perspective
- 34%: Determining The Various Perspectives And Consensus Within A Classroom Using Q Methodology
- 34%: Promoting productive communities of practice: An instructor’s perspective
- 34%: Designing effective questions for classroom response system teaching
- 34%: How personal effort, student interactions, and instructor support relate to physics student satisfaction
- 34%: The impact of peer interaction on the responses to clicker questions in an upper-level quantum mechanics course
- 33%: Characterization of Instructor and Student Use of Ubiquitous Presenter, a Presentation System Enabling Spontaneity and Digital Archiving
- 32%: Turning Passive Lectures into Interactive Learning Environments with a Classroom Communication System
- 32%: 'You Understand, but You Don't Believe It': Tracing the Stabilities and Instabilities of Interaction in a Physics Classroom Through a Multidimensional Framework
- 31%: Faculty Perspectives about Instructor and Institutional Assessments of Teaching Effectiveness
- 31%: Instructor perspectives on iteration during upper-division optics lab activities