Materials Similar to Student views of macroscopic and microscopic energy in physics and biology
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- 43%: Examining student ability to interpret and use potential energy diagrams for classical systems
- 42%: Students' interdisciplinary reasoning about "high-energy bonds" and ATP
- 41%: Addressing Student Models of Energy Loss in Quantum Tunneling
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- 40%: Avoiding Reflex Responses: Strategies for Revealing Students' Conceptual Understanding in Biology
- 40%: Student Understanding Of Gravitational Potential Energy And The Motion Of Bodies In A Gravitational Field
- 40%: Student understanding of the ideal gas law, Part I: A macroscopic perspective
- 40%: Student reasoning about electrostatic and gravitational potential energy: An exploratory study with interdisciplinary consequences
- 40%: Teachers' explanations of student difficulties with gravitational potential energy
- 39%: A Survey of Israeli Physics Students' Conceptions of Energy in Pre-Service Training for High School Teachers
- 39%: Productive resources in students’ ideas about energy: An alternative analysis of Watts’ original interview transcripts
- 38%: The Use of Multiple Representations and Visualizations in Student Learning of Introductory Physics: An Example from Work and Energy
- 38%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 38%: A Thematic Review of Some Studies Investigating Students’ Alternative Conceptions About Energy
- 38%: Students talk about energy in project-based inquiry science
- 37%: Student Views of Similarity between Math and Physics Problems
- 37%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics