Materials Similar to Teaching physics novices at university: A case for stronger scaffolding
- 59%: Link Maps and Map Meetings: A theoretical and experimental case for stronger scaffolding in first year university physics education
- 47%: Lessons learned: A case study of an integrated way of teaching introductory physics to at-risk students at Rutgers University
- 41%: Investigating Peer Scaffolding in Learning and Transfer of Learning Using Teaching Interviews
- 35%: Teaching integration with layers and representations: A case study
- 34%: A Case Study: Novel Group Interactions through Introductory Computational Physics
- 33%: Link maps and map meetings: Scaffolding student learning
- 33%: Whole class vs. small group settings for using animations in physics: Case study comparisons
- 33%: Impact of Argumentation Scaffolds in Contrasting Designs Tasks on Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Use of Science Ideas in Engineering Design
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- 32%: Controlled study on the effectiveness of multimedia learning modules for teaching mechanics
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- 32%: A case of resources-oriented instruction in calculus-based introductory physics
- 31%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 1: Group Versus Individual Problem Solving
- 31%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
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- 31%: Assessing the Effectiveness of Studio Physics at Georgia State University
- 30%: Case study of the physics component of an integrated curriculum