Materials Similar to A qualitative investigation of college students' conceptions of electric fields
- 56%: University students' conceptions of the electric and magnetic fields and their interrelationships
- 50%: Analysis Of Shifts In Students' Reasoning Regarding Electric Field And Potential Concepts
- 50%: Students’ conversion from electric field line diagrams to other representations
- 50%: The effect of similar surface features on students’ understanding of the interaction of charges with electric and magnetic fields
- 48%: Contrasting students’ understanding of electric field and electric force
- 45%: Qualitative investigation of students’ views about experimental physics
- 43%: The kinds of mental representations - models, propositions and images - used by college physics students regarding the concept of field
- 43%: Confusion by representation: On student's comprehension of the electric field concept
- 43%: A Cross-College Age Study of Science and Nonscience Students' Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts in Preservice Training for High-School Teachers
- 43%: Arrows as anchors: Conceptual blending and student use of electric field vector arrows
- 42%: Students' understanding of superposition of electric fields
- 42%: A cross-college age study about physics students' conceptions of force in pre-service training for high school teachers