Materials Similar to Understanding the learning assistant experience with physics identity
- 69%: Learning Assistants' Development of Physics (Teacher) Identity
- 69%: Physics Learning Assistants’ Views on Expert Teaching: Toward an Understanding of PCK
- 67%: Extreme Learning Assistants: The Impact of an Authentic Teaching Experience on Undergraduate Physics Majors
- 66%: The transition to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional, rural university: The experience of learning assistants
- 59%: Effects of the learning assistant experience on in-service teachers' practices
- 59%: Learning Assistant Identity Development: Is One Semester Enough?
- 51%: Understanding university students’ identity through engagement in informal physics programs
- 50%: Exploring the Underlying Factors in Learning Assistant - Faculty Partnerships
- 50%: Learning Assistant Supported Student Outcomes (LASSO) study initial findings
- 50%: The Impact of Learning Assistants on Inequities in Physics Student Outcomes
- 50%: The Learning Assistant model and DFW rates in introductory physics courses
- 50%: Systemic inequities in introductory physics courses: the impacts of learning assistants
- 49%: Extreme Learning Assistants: Students' Perceptions of Their Undergraduate Laboratory Instructors
- 49%: Characteristics of institutions with Learning Assistant programs: An equity investigation
- 48%: High School Science Experiences Associated to Mastery Orientation Towards Learning
- 48%: Identity, Topical Interest, and Classroom Dynamics as Supports of Transformative Experiences
- 48%: Longitudinal Associations between Learning Assistants and Instructor Effectiveness
- 48%: Student experiences in traditional and active learning classrooms in introductory physics courses
- 48%: The associations between conceptual learning, physics identity and social interdependence