Materials Similar to Effects of Belief Bias on Student Reasoning from Data Tables
- 42%: The combined effect of mathematics skills and formal operational reasoning on student performance in the general physics course
- 42%: Using Eye Tracking to Differentiate Student Difficulties Reasoning with Data
- 41%: Students' dynamic geometric reasoning about quantum spin-1/2 states
- 41%: Effects of Argumentation Scaffolds on Student Performance on Conceptual Physics Problems
- 40%: Students' reasoning about interdisciplinarity
- 40%: Integrating emotions into fine-grained accounts of students' reasoning
- 40%: How physics instruction impacts students’ beliefs about learning physics: A meta-analysis of 24 studies
- 40%: The Effect of Students’ Learning Orientations on Performance in Problem Solving Pedagogical Implementations
- 40%: “So it’s the same equation...”: A blending analysis of student reasoning with functions in kinematics
- 39%: The effects of a redesign on students’ attitudes and evaluations for an introductory calculus-based physics lab
- 39%: A longitudinal exploration of students’ beliefs about experimental physics
- 39%: Educational debts incurred by racism and sexism in students’ beliefs about physics
- 38%: Students' epistemological beliefs from two studies of calculus and physics
- 38%: A study on the beliefs about the role of physics and physicists amongst introductory students
- 38%: Effects on assessment caused by splits between belief and understanding
- 38%: Towards characterizing the relationship between students' interest in and their beliefs about physics
- 38%: Large-scale survey of Chinese precollege students' epistemological beliefs about physics: A progression or a regression?
- 38%: How prompting force diagrams discourages student use of adaptive problem-solving shortcuts
- 37%: Effect of Problem Solutions on Students' Reasoning Patterns on Conceptual Physics Problems