Materials Similar to PER-Based Tutorials for Quantum Physics
- 56%: Tutorials on thinking about quantum entities
- 49%: Tutorials in Physics: Quantum Mechanics
- 47%: Improving students’ understanding of quantum measurement. II. Development of research-based learning tools
- 44%: Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics
- 44%: Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics
- 43%: Enhancing student visual understanding of the time evolution of quantum systems
- 39%: Developing and Assessing Research-Based Tools for Teaching Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- 37%: Development of a computer-based tutorial on the photoelectric effect
- 37%: Development and Evaluation of a Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorial on Larmor Precession Of Spin
- 37%: Developing an Interactive Tutorial on a Quantum Eraser
- 37%: Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in position and momentum representations
- 35%: Development of an Interactive Tutorial on Quantum Key Distribution
- 35%: Student understanding of potential, wavefunctions and the Jacobian in hydrogen in graduate-level quantum mechanics