Materials Similar to Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics
- 46%: Interactive video tutorials for enhancing problem-solving, reasoning, and meta-cognitive skills of introductory physics students
- 42%: Hands-on Problems focusing on Physics Concepts
- 38%: Open Source Tutorials in Physics with Teaching Assistant Development
- 38%: Enhancing Cognitive Development through Physics Problem Solving: A Taxonomy of Introductory Physics Problems
- 38%: Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials Through Visual Programming
- 37%: Comparing problem solving performance of physics students in inquiry-based and traditional introductory physics courses
- 37%: Phys 1403: An Inquiry-based Curriculum for the Introductory Algebra-based Physics Course - Semester 1
- 37%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. II. Effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer
- 37%: Evidence of Problem-Solving Transfer in Web-Based Socratic Tutor
- 37%: Phys 1404: An Inquiry-based Curriculum for the Introductory Algebra-based Physics Course - Semester 2
- 36%: Faculty Conceptions About the Teaching and Learning of Problem Solving in Introductory Calculus-Based Physics