Materials Similar to Development and Evaluation of a Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorial on Larmor Precession Of Spin
- 62%: Development, validation and in-class evaluation of a sequence of clicker questions on Larmor precession of spin in quantum mechanics
- 53%: Development of an Interactive Tutorial on Quantum Key Distribution
- 46%: Improving students’ understanding of quantum measurement. II. Development of research-based learning tools
- 44%: Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics
- 41%: Developing an Interactive Tutorial on a Quantum Eraser
- 40%: Enhancing student learning of two-level quantum systems with interactive simulations
- 36%: Enhancing student visual understanding of the time evolution of quantum systems
- 34%: Developing and evaluating an interactive tutorial on degenerate perturbation theory
- 32%: Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with single photons
- 32%: Testing Tutorials in Upper-Division: An Example from Quantum Mechanics
- 31%: Energy measurement resources in spins-first and position-first quantum mechanics
- 31%: Investigating student understanding of basic quantum mechanics in the context of time-dependent perturbation theory
- 31%: Development and validation of a sequence of clicker questions for helping students learn addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics
- 30%: Development and assessment of research-based tutorials on heat engines and the second law of thermodynamics
- 29%: Development and Evaluation of a Large-Enrollment, Active-Learning Physics Curriculum
- 29%: Using the Tutorial Approach to Improve Physics Learning from Introductory to Graduate Level
- 27%: Development and evaluation of large-enrollment, active-learning physical science curriculum
- 27%: Student difficulties with determining expectation values in quantum mechanics
- 27%: Designing, validating, and contrasting conceptual quantum mechanics questions for spin states and spatial wave functions