Materials Similar to Sensitivity of Learning Gains on the Force Concept Inventory to Students’ Individual Epistemological Changes
- 60%: Gain in learning the force concept and change in attitudes toward Physics in students of the Tonala High School
- 53%: Comparing large lecture mechanics curricula using the Force Concept Inventory: A five thousand student study
- 50%: Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course
- 48%: Force Concept Inventory-based multiple-choice test for investigating students' representational consistency
- 47%: Using the Force Concept Inventory to monitor student learning and to plan teaching
- 46%: The Force Concept Inventory: A tool for monitoring student learning
- 44%: Exploring Instructor Knowledge of Student Ideas with the Force Concept Inventory
- 43%: Dividing the Force Concept Inventory into two equivalent half-length tests
- 42%: Context sensitivity in the force concept inventory
- 42%: The effect of distracters on student performance on the Force Concept Inventory
- 40%: Analyzing Calculus Concept Inventory Gains in Introductory Calculus
- 40%: Differences in Male/Female Response Patterns on Alternative-format Versions of the Force Concept Inventory
- 40%: Experimental validation of the half-length Force Concept Inventory
- 39%: Exploratory factor analysis of a Force Concept Inventory data set
- 39%: Development of a concept inventory to assess students' understanding and reasoning difficulties about the properties and formation of stars
- 39%: What can normalized gain reveal about individual learning on the FCI?
- 39%: Modification of a Physics Rotational Kinematics Concept Inventory for use with Engineering Dynamics Students
- 38%: The puzzling reliability of the Force Concept Inventory
- 38%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise