Materials Similar to A Study of Informal Learning Communities: a Tale of Two Physics Courses
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- 45%: Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center
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- 42%: How social-media and web-accessible learning resources influence students’ experiences in a quantum physics course: A case study
- 36%: Do learning communities encourage potential STEM majors?
- 35%: Investigating Student Communities with Network Analysis of Interactions in a Physics Learning Center
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- 35%: Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and Force Concept Inventory pretest scores
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- 35%: How learning environment predicts male and female students’ physics motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses
- 34%: Community structure in introductory physics course networks
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- 33%: Physics Learning Identity of a Successful Student: A Plot Twist
- 33%: Studying Community Development: A Network Analytical Approach
- 33%: Describing and Facilitating Productive Teaching Talk in a Faculty Online Learning Community