Materials Similar to Quantitative reasoning skills in math methods
- 47%: Assessing Student Learning in Middle-Division Classical Mechanics/Math Methods
- 45%: Pilot Testing Dichotomous Classification Questions for Assessing Student Reasoning
- 45%: Drawing physical insight from mathematics via extreme case reasoning
- 43%: Effects of Belief Bias on Student Reasoning from Data Tables
- 42%: Interactive video tutorials for enhancing problem-solving, reasoning, and meta-cognitive skills of introductory physics students
- 42%: Can short duration visual cues influence students’ reasoning and eye movements in physics problems?
- 42%: "Surprisingly, there is an actual physical application…" Student understanding in Math Methods
- 42%: Development of Scientific Reasoning in College Biology: Do Two Levels of General Hypothesis-Testing Skills Exist?
- 42%: Applying analogical reasoning to introductory-level synthesis problems
- 41%: Using psychometric tools as a window into students’ quantitative reasoning in introductory physics
- 39%: Issues and Progress in Transforming a Middle-division Classical Mechanics/Math Methods Course
- 39%: Additional Evidence of Far Transfer of Scientific Reasoning Skills Acquired in a CLASP Reformed Physics Course
- 37%: Issues Related to Data Analysis and Quantitative Methods in PER
- 37%: Can Visual Cues and Correctness Feedback Influence Students' Reasoning?
- 37%: Supporting student quantitative skills across introductory STEM courses: faculty approaches and perceived needs
- 35%: Getting Started with Quantitative Methods in Physics Education Research
- 35%: Detecting Progression of Scientific Reasoning among University Science and Engineering Students
- 34%: The combined effect of mathematics skills and formal operational reasoning on student performance in the general physics course
- 33%: Learning and retention of quantum concepts with different teaching methods