Materials Similar to Understanding Centrality: Investigating Student Outcomes within a Classroom Social Network
- 53%: Network centrality and student self-efficacy in an interactive introductory physics environment
- 51%: Non-traditional students' conceptual scores and network centrality in SCALE-UP classrooms
- 47%: Using Social Network Analysis on classroom video data
- 47%: Connecting the dots: Student social networks in introductory physics labs
- 44%: Beyond performance metrics: Examining a decrease in students’ physics self-efficacy through a social networks lens
- 42%: Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center
- 42%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 42%: The impact of social integration on student persistence in introductory Modeling Instruction courses
- 38%: Student Expectations, Classroom Community, and Values Reported on Group Exams
- 37%: Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction
- 36%: Towards Understanding Classroom Culture: Students’ Perceptions of Tutorials
- 35%: Investigating Student Communities with Network Analysis of Interactions in a Physics Learning Center
- 35%: Characterizing active learning environments in physics: network analysis of Peer Instruction classroom using ERGMs
- 35%: Macroscopic phenomena and microscopic processes: Student understanding of transients in direct current electric circuits
- 35%: Students' Understanding of Measurement and Uncertainty in the Physics Laboratory: Social construction, underlying concepts, and quantitative analysis
- 35%: Investigating peer and teaching assistant interactions of physics students working on computational coding
- 34%: Sharp Initial Disagreements Then Consensus in a Student Led Whole-Class Discussion
- 34%: Social positioning correlates with consensus building in two contentious large-group meetings