Materials Similar to Students’ epistemologies about experimental physics: Validating the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for experimental physics
- 61%: New instrument for measuring student beliefs about physics and learning physics: The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey
- 59%: Development and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics
- 57%: The Design and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey
- 57%: Correlating Student Beliefs with Student Learning Using the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey
- 56%: Modifying and Validating the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Use in Chemistry
- 49%: Validation study of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey at a Hispanic-serving institution
- 49%: Evaluation of Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey
- 43%: Comparing Student Learning with Multiple Research-Based Conceptual Surveys: CSEM and BEMA
- 42%: Developing and validating a conceptual survey to assess introductory physics students' understanding of magnetism
- 41%: A summary of research-based assessment of students' beliefs about the nature of experimental physics
- 40%: Qualitative investigation of students’ views about experimental physics
- 36%: Assessing Student Learning in Middle-Division Classical Mechanics/Math Methods
- 36%: Development and results from a survey on students’ views of experiments in lab classes and research
- 35%: Creating a Better Mousetrap: On-line Student Assessment of their Learning Gains
- 35%: Gain in learning the force concept and change in attitudes toward Physics in students of the Tonala High School
- 35%: Developing skills versus reinforcing concepts in physics labs: Insight from a survey of students’ beliefs about experimental physics
- 34%: Development of a Survey Instrument to Gauge Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities
- 34%: Epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results
- 34%: Preliminary results for the development and deployment of Conceptual Learning Assessment Instruments Methodology Survey (CLAIMS)