Materials Similar to Evaluation Methodology and Results for the New Faculty Workshops
- 58%: Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops.
- 52%: Promoting Instructional Change in New Faculty: An Evaluation of the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop
- 48%: Diversity of Faculty Practice in Workshop Classrooms
- 46%: College faculty support for grade 7-12 teaching careers: survey results and comparisons to student perceptions
- 41%: Faculty Perspectives about Instructor and Institutional Assessments of Teaching Effectiveness
- 41%: Preliminary results for the development and deployment of Conceptual Learning Assessment Instruments Methodology Survey (CLAIMS)
- 40%: Understanding Educational Transformation: Findings from a Survey of Past Participants of the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop
- 38%: Use of research-based instructional strategies in introductory physics: Where do faculty leave the innovation-decision process?
- 38%: Supporting faculty and staff to make better use of learning analytics data
- 38%: Probing Student Ability to Construct Reasoning Chains: A New Methodology
- 37%: What Do Students Want? Small Group Instructional Diagnoses of STEM Faculty
- 37%: Departmental Action Teams: Empowering faculty to make sustainable change
- 36%: Faculty Online Learning Communities to support physics teaching
- 36%: Assessing a GTA professional development program
- 35%: A comparison study of pre/post-test and retrospective pre-test for measuring faculty attitude change
- 34%: A case of physics faculty engaging in pedagogical sense-making