Materials Similar to Investigating student ability to follow and interact with reasoning chains
- 55%: Probing Student Ability to Construct Reasoning Chains: A New Methodology
- 49%: Comparing Student Ability to Reason with Multiple Variables for Graphed and Non-Graphed Information.
- 48%: Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction
- 42%: Investigating student ability to apply basic electrostatics concepts to conductors
- 40%: Investigating Student Understanding for a Statistical Analysis of Two Thermally Interacting Solids
- 38%: Can short duration visual cues influence students’ reasoning and eye movements in physics problems?
- 38%: Investigating peer and teaching assistant interactions of physics students working on computational coding
- 37%: Examining inconsistencies in student reasoning approaches
- 37%: Effects of Belief Bias on Student Reasoning from Data Tables
- 37%: "Like Dissolves Like": Unpacking Student Reasoning About Thermodynamic Heuristics
- 37%: Pilot Testing Dichotomous Classification Questions for Assessing Student Reasoning
- 37%: Inquiry-based activities and their effects on students’ ability to explain related problem scenarios
- 37%: Analyzing students’ reasoning about the inverse-square law through the lens of dual processing theories
- 37%: Exploring student facility with "goes like'' reasoning in introductory physics
- 36%: Documenting the use of expert scientific reasoning processes by high school physics students
- 36%: Doing Science or Doing a Lab? Engaging Students with Scientific Reasoning during Physics Lab Experiments
- 36%: Effect of Problem Solutions on Students' Reasoning Patterns on Conceptual Physics Problems
- 36%: Using Eye Tracking to Differentiate Student Difficulties Reasoning with Data
- 36%: “So it’s the same equation...”: A blending analysis of student reasoning with functions in kinematics