Materials Similar to Preliminary development and validation of a diagnostic of critical thinking for introductory physics labs
- 55%: Quantifying critical thinking: Development and validation of the physics lab inventory of critical thinking
- 52%: Interview Validation of the Physics Lab Inventory of Critical thinking (PLIC)
- 51%: Assessment of critical thinking in physics labs: concurrent validity
- 44%: Measuring the impact of introductory physics labs on learning and critical thinking
- 43%: Developing Quantitative Critical Thinking in the Introductory Physics Lab
- 43%: Development and Validation of Instruments to Measure Learning of Expert-Like Thinking
- 42%: The Development And Validation Of The Test Of Astronomy STandards (TOAST)
- 41%: Development and results from a survey on students’ views of experiments in lab classes and research
- 40%: Preliminary results for the development and deployment of Conceptual Learning Assessment Instruments Methodology Survey (CLAIMS)
- 40%: Development of a General Undergraduate Estimation Skills Survey (GUESS)
- 37%: Development of a Mechanics Reasoning Inventory
- 37%: Development and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics
- 37%: The Development of the Problem Decomposition Diagnostic
- 37%: Development and Validation of a Physics Problem-Solving Assessment Rubric
- 37%: Assessing Physics Learning Identity: Survey Development and Validation
- 36%: The Development of a Physics Self-Efficacy Instrument for Use in the Introductory Classroom
- 36%: Development of an Introductory Physics Problem-Solving Assessment Tool
- 36%: Development and Use of a Conceptual Survey in Introductory Quantum Physics
- 36%: Development of the Astronomy Diagnostic Test