Materials Similar to CourseNetworking and community: Linking online discussion networks and course success
- 43%: Community structure in introductory physics course networks
- 41%: An analysis of asynchronous online homework discussions in introductory physics courses
- 39%: Probing Student Online Discussion Behavior with a Course Blog in Introductory Physics
- 38%: Text Mining Online Discussions in an Introductory Physics Course
- 34%: Studying Community Development: A Network Analytical Approach
- 34%: Describing and Facilitating Productive Teaching Talk in a Faculty Online Learning Community
- 31%: Using multimedia learning modules in a hybrid-online course in electricity and magnetism
- 31%: A tale of two guessing strategies: interpreting the time students spend solving problems through online log data
- 31%: Participation in an online community of high school physics teachers
- 30%: Virtual Lecture Hall for In-Class and Online Sections: A Comparison of Utlilzation, Perceptions, and Benefits
- 30%: Apples vs. Oranges: Comparison of Student Performance in a MOOC vs. a Brick-and-Mortar Course
- 29%: The Effect of Initial Conditions and Discussion on Students’ Predictions for Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
- 29%: Archiving Student Solutions with Tablet PCs in a Discussion-based Introductory Physics Class
- 29%: Online administration of a reasoning inventory in development
- 28%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 28%: Equity of success in CLASP courses at UC Davis