Materials Similar to Epistemic Games: A Multi-Layered Task Analysis
- 43%: Epistemic Games Analysis of Common Exam Questions Across Course Formats
- 40%: Surprise! students don’t do special-case analysis when unaware of it
- 38%: Learning about the Energy of a Hurricane System through an Estimation Epistemic Game
- 37%: Multiple Representations and Epistemic Games in Introductory Physics Exam Solutions
- 36%: Identification of a shared answer-making epistemic game in a group context
- 36%: Potential relationship of epistemic games to group dynamics and learning orientations towards physics problem solving
- 34%: Qualitative Analysis of Students' Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor's Interaction
- 33%: Mapping university students’ epistemic framing of computational physics using network analysis
- 30%: Epistemic complexity and the journeyman-expert transition
- 30%: The role of modeling in troubleshooting: An example from electronics
- 30%: Elements of a cognitive model of physics problem solving: Epistemic games
- 30%: An Epistemic Framing Analysis of Upper-Level Physics Students' Use of Mathematics
- 30%: Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task
- 30%: Student determination of differential area elements in upper-division physics
- 29%: Epistemic Games in Integration: Modeling Resource Choice
- 29%: Just Math: A New Epistemic Frame
- 27%: How physics instruction impacts students’ beliefs about learning physics: A meta-analysis of 24 studies
- 26%: Contextualizing problem-solving strategies in physics-intensive PhD research
- 26%: “So it’s the same equation...”: A blending analysis of student reasoning with functions in kinematics