Materials Similar to Teaching about Inequity: Shifts in Student Views about Diversity in Physics
- 46%: Introductory physics students’ insights for improving physics culture
- 45%: Misaligned Visions for Improving Graduate Diversity: Student Characteristics vs. Systemic/Cultural Factors
- 41%: Investigating Physics Faculty’s Reasoning about Inequities in Undergraduate Physics Education
- 41%: Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class
- 40%: Measuring Students’ Beliefs about Physics in Saudi Arabia
- 40%: Motivational characteristics of underrepresented ethnic and racial minority students in introductory physics courses
- 40%: Educational debts incurred by racism and sexism in students’ beliefs about physics
- 39%: Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics
- 39%: Students’ exploring and refining their equity ethic within the Access Network
- 39%: College faculty support for grade 7-12 teaching careers: survey results and comparisons to student perceptions
- 38%: The Ways University Physics Students Conceive of the Nature of Science
- 38%: Understanding Women's Gendered Experiences in Physics and Astronomy Through Microaggressions
- 38%: Research-Based Assessment of Students’ Beliefs about Experimental Physics: When is Gender a Factor?
- 38%: Intervening in status hierarchies to disrupt inequity
- 37%: Investigating students' views about the role of writing in physics lab classes
- 36%: Unpacking Gender Differences in Students’ Perceived Experiences in Introductory Physics
- 36%: Impact of teaching students to use evaluation strategies
- 36%: Factors that affect the physical science career interest of female students: Testing five common hypotheses
- 36%: Sustainability Topics in Physics Education, Science Agency Beliefs and Physics Identity