Materials Similar to Performance on In-Class vs. Online Administration of Concept Inventories
- 77%: In-class vs. Online Administration of Concept Inventories and Attitudinal Assessments
- 61%: Participation rates of in-class vs. online administration of low-stakes research-based assessments
- 51%: Do Concept Inventories Actually Measure Anything?
- 47%: Exploratory factor analysis of a Force Concept Inventory data set
- 46%: The puzzling reliability of the Force Concept Inventory
- 46%: Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS
- 45%: Multiple-choice test of energy and momentum concepts
- 44%: Applying Rasch theory to evaluate the construct validity of brief electricity and magnetism assessment
- 43%: Comparing students' performance on research-based conceptual assessments and traditional classroom assessments
- 43%: Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course
- 42%: What does the force concept inventory actually measure?
- 41%: Dividing the Force Concept Inventory into two equivalent half-length tests
- 41%: Experimental validation of the half-length Force Concept Inventory
- 41%: Evaluating students’ performance on the FCI at a minority serving institution
- 41%: Developing the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory
- 41%: Comparing the force and motion conceptual evaluation and the force concept inventory
- 41%: Comparing large lecture mechanics curricula using the Force Concept Inventory: A five thousand student study
- 40%: Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism: Analysis of the items and recommendations for improvement
- 40%: Methodological development of a new coding scheme for an established assessment on measurement uncertainty in laboratory courses