Materials Similar to Using Social Network Analysis on classroom video data
- 61%: Characterizing active learning environments in physics: network analysis of Peer Instruction classroom using ERGMs
- 58%: Department-level change: Using social network analysis to map the hidden structure of academic departments
- 49%: Understanding Centrality: Investigating Student Outcomes within a Classroom Social Network
- 47%: Network Analysis of Social Interactions in Laboratories
- 47%: Examining the diffusion of research-based instructional strategies using social network analysis: A case study of SCALE-UP
- 45%: Examining student participation in two-phase collaborative exams through video analysis
- 45%: Connecting the dots: Student social networks in introductory physics labs
- 40%: Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center
- 40%: Non-traditional students' conceptual scores and network centrality in SCALE-UP classrooms
- 37%: An Investigation on the Effects of Using Interactive Digital Video in a Physics Classroom on Student Learning and Attitudes
- 36%: Mapping university students’ epistemic framing of computational physics using network analysis
- 36%: Network centrality and student self-efficacy in an interactive introductory physics environment
- 36%: In search of distinct graduate admission strategies in physics: An exploratory study using topological data analysis
- 36%: Promoting Students’ Conceptual Knowledge using Video Analysis on Tablet Computers
- 36%: Social positioning correlates with consensus building in two contentious large-group meetings
- 36%: Community structure in introductory physics course networks