Materials Similar to Middle School Physics Teachers' Content Knowledge of Acceleration
- 56%: Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy: An Example From Middle-School Physical Science
- 43%: Systematic study of student understanding of the relationships between the directions of force, velocity, and acceleration in one dimension
- 42%: Exploring the Role of Content Knowledge in Responsive Teaching
- 41%: Teacher and Curriculum Factors that Influence Middle School Students' Sense-Making Discussions of Force/Motion
- 40%: Exploring the relationship between subject knowledge and pedagogic content knowledge in primary teachers' learning about forces
- 40%: A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions of Force in Pre-Service Training for High School Teachers
- 40%: Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers
- 40%: Assessing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Future Elementary Teachers
- 40%: Revealing Effects Of Changes In Middle School Science Teachers’ Practices
- 38%: Context Dependence of Teacher Practices in Middle School Science
- 38%: Assessing Future Elementary Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in a Physics Class
- 38%: Characterizing teacher-asked questions in a high school physics classroom
- 38%: How and why do high school teachers use PhET interactive simulations?
- 37%: Using multiple survey questions about energy to uncover elements of middle school student reasoning
- 35%: Participation in an online community of high school physics teachers
- 34%: The Effect of an Inquiry-Based Early Field Experience on Pre-Service Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Teaching
- 34%: Perspectives on astronomy: probing Norwegian pre-service teachers and middle school students
- 34%: Prospective elementary teachers' prior knowledge about light