Materials Similar to Physics Major Engagement and Persistence: A Phenomenography Interview Study
- 47%: Mindset in Context: Developing New Methodologies to Study Mindset in Interview Data
- 47%: Learning goals and perceived irrelevance to major within life science majors in introductory physics
- 43%: Who Becomes a Physics Major? A Long-term Longitudinal Study Examining the Roles of Pre-college Beliefs about Physics and Learning Physics, Interest, and Academic Achievement
- 38%: How social-media and web-accessible learning resources influence students’ experiences in a quantum physics course: A case study
- 38%: Inconsistent gender differences in self-efficacy and performance for engineering majors in physics and other disciplines: A cause for alarm?
- 37%: Potential Relationship of Chosen Major to Problem Solving Attitudes and Course Performance
- 37%: STEM Majors’ Perceptions of Racism and Sexism in STEM
- 37%: On being a physics major: student perceptions of physics difficulties, rewards, and motivations
- 36%: Implementing a mixed-methods approach to understand students’ self-efficacy: A pilot study
- 36%: What makes a person a physicist? Learning Assistant and physics major views
- 35%: Student effort expectations and their learning in first-year introductory physics: A case study in Thailand
- 35%: Examining Thematic Variation in a Phenomenographical Study on Computational Physics
- 35%: A study on the beliefs about the role of physics and physicists amongst introductory students
- 34%: A longitudinal study of the development of attitudes and beliefs towards physics
- 34%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics
- 34%: Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Sciences: First Findings from a Three-Year Study
- 33%: Follow-up study of a PSI astronomy course
- 33%: Chemistry vs. Physics: A Comparison of How Biology Majors View Each Discipline
- 33%: Characterizing the Epistemological Development of Physics Majors