Materials Similar to Information flow in group exams
- 66%: Group Formation on Physics Exams
- 63%: Quantitative measures of equity in small groups
- 58%: Student Expectations, Classroom Community, and Values Reported on Group Exams
- 58%: Student Cognition in Physics Group Exams
- 57%: Measuring the Learning from Two-Stage Collaborative Group Exams
- 57%: Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction
- 56%: Using Collaborative Group Exams to Investigate Students’ Ability to Learn
- 56%: How do gender and inchargeness interact to affect equity in lab group interactions?
- 55%: Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity
- 53%: Social positioning correlates with consensus building in two contentious large-group meetings
- 52%: Collaboration or copying? Student behavior during two-phase exams with individual and team phases
- 49%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 1: Group Versus Individual Problem Solving
- 49%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 49%: Identification of a shared answer-making epistemic game in a group context
- 47%: A Case Study: Novel Group Interactions through Introductory Computational Physics
- 46%: Small-group discussion in physics: Peer interaction modes in pairs and fours
- 46%: Examining student participation in two-phase collaborative exams through video analysis
- 45%: Testing group composition within a studio learning environment
- 45%: Denoting and Comparing Leadership Attributes and Behaviors in Group Work