Materials Similar to Characterizing Instructional Practices in the Laboratory: The Laboratory Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM
- 51%: The Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A New Instrument to Characterize University STEM Classroom Practices
- 48%: The Best of Both Worlds: Building on the COPUS and RTOP Observation Protocols to Easily and Reliably Measure Various Levels of Reformed Instructional Practice
- 41%: Measuring Reform Practices in Science and Mathematics Classrooms: The Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol
- 41%: Instructional Systems of Practice: A Multidimensional Analysis of Math and Science Undergraduate Course Planning and Classroom Teaching
- 40%: Exploring the Use of the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol to Develop Fine-grained Measures of Interactive Teaching in Undergraduate Science Classrooms
- 32%: Using the Real-time Instructor Observing Tool (RIOT) for Reflection on Teaching Practice
- 30%: Using Observations of Universal Design for Learning to Enhance Post-secondary STEM Teaching Practices
- 27%: Benefits of Participating in Undergraduate Research in Science: Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions
- 26%: Framework for articulating instructional practices and conceptions
- 26%: Best Practices for Administering Concept Inventories
- 25%: What Do Students Want? Small Group Instructional Diagnoses of STEM Faculty
- 25%: Classroom-Based Field Experiences in High School STEM Academies: Opportunities to Observe and Participate in High-Leverage Science Teaching Practices
- 24%: Testing the development of student conceptual and visualization understanding in quantum mechanics through the undergraduate career
- 24%: Using the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory to Investigate College students' Pre-instructional Mental Models of Lunar Phases
- 24%: Assessing student learning of Newton's laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula
- 24%: Student Assessment Of Laboratory In Introductory Physics Courses: A Q-sort Approach
- 23%: Applying a framework for characterizing physics teaching assistants’ beliefs and practices
- 23%: Adapting Transformative Experience Surveys to Undergraduate Physics
- 23%: Development of a General Undergraduate Estimation Skills Survey (GUESS)