Materials Similar to STEM Students’ Voluntary Use of YouTube to Learn Science Topics Taught in High School and/or College
- 42%: A Cross-College Age Study of Science and Nonscience Students' Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts in Preservice Training for High-School Teachers
- 39%: Examining the Use of PhET Interactive Simulations in US College and High School Classrooms
- 37%: Students’ Choice of Animated Pedagogical Agents in Science Learning: A Test of the Similarity-Attraction Hypothesis on Gender and Ethnicity
- 37%: Project Accelerate: Increasing STEM Opportunities for Underserved High School Students
- 36%: Influence of interactive videodisc instruction using simultaneous-time analysis on kinematics graphing skills of high school physics students
- 35%: High School Science Experiences Associated to Mastery Orientation Towards Learning
- 35%: Correlating student interest and high school preparation with learning and performance in an introductory university physics course
- 34%: A cross-college age study about physics students' conceptions of force in pre-service training for high school teachers
- 34%: Gain in learning the force concept and change in attitudes toward Physics in students of the Tonala High School
- 34%: Measuring Model-Based High School Science Instruction: Development and Application of a Student Survey
- 32%: Can students learn from PhET sims at home, alone?
- 32%: Classroom-Based Field Experiences in High School STEM Academies: Opportunities to Observe and Participate in High-Leverage Science Teaching Practices
- 31%: Learning Motion Concepts -- Sample Results from a National Collaboration of High Schools
- 31%: Learning Motion Concepts -- Sample Results from Massachusetts High Schools
- 31%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics
- 31%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 30%: Towards research-based strategies for using PhET simulations in middle school physical science classes
- 30%: Utilizing public scientific web lectures to teach contemporary physics at the high school level: A case study of learning
- 30%: Student-identified themes around computation in high school physics