Materials Similar to Investigating introductory student difficulties reading equipotential diagrams
- 46%: Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics
- 42%: Changes to equipotential diagrams to improve student ranking of electric potential
- 39%: Analogous Patterns of Student Reasoning Difficulties in Introductory Physics and Upper- Level Quantum Mechanics
- 38%: To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems
- 38%: Investigating the role of prior preparation and self-efficacy on female and male students’ introductory physics course achievements
- 38%: Investigating simulation use on student learning outcomes in introductory physics
- 38%: Investigating potential influences of graduate teaching assistants on students’ sense of belonging in introductory physics labs
- 37%: Investigating the Relationship Between Student Difficulties with the Concept of Electric Potential and the Concept of Rate of Change
- 37%: Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?
- 37%: Investigating student ability to apply basic electrostatics concepts to conductors
- 37%: Investigating Student Difficulties with Dirac Notation
- 37%: Investigating Student Difficulties with Time dependence of Expectation Values in Quantum Mechanics
- 37%: Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction
- 36%: Students’ Difficulties in Transfer of Problem Solving Across Representations
- 36%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 36%: Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in upper-division electricity and magnetism
- 36%: Teaching assistants' performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties revealed by the conceptual survey of electricity and magnetism
- 33%: Students’ conversion from electric field line diagrams to other representations
- 32%: Students' difficulties with integration in electricity